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                Characteristics of Teflon high-temperature cloth/PTFE high-temperature cloth

                2023-11-28 14:39:35 8

                Teflon high temperature cloth is a fiber cloth made of suspended polytetrafluoroethylene emulsion and impregnated with high-performance glass fiber cloth, which is a new product of high-performance and multi-purpose composite materials, also known as polytetrafluoroethylene high temperature cloth.

                1, Teflon high temperature cloth (polytetrafluoroethylene high temperature cloth), mostly used in low temperature -196℃, high temperature between 300℃, with climate resistance, anti-aging characteristics.

                2, Teflon high temperature cloth (polytetrafluoroethylene high temperature cloth) has non-adhesive, not easy to adhere to any substance, easy to clean. Easy to clean all kinds of oil stains, stains or other attachments attached to the surface of high temperature cloth; Even paste, resin, paint and almost all adhesive substances can be simply removed;

                3, Teflon high temperature cloth (polytetrafluoroethylene high temperature cloth) has chemical corrosion resistance, strong acid resistance, strong alkali resistance, resistance to aqua royalty and various organic solvents corrosion.

                4, Teflon high temperature cloth (PTFE high temperature cloth) low friction coefficient, is the ideal choice for oil-free self-lubrication.

                5, Teflon high temperature cloth (polytetrafluoroethylene high temperature cloth) high light transmittance, light transmittance of 6%-13%.

                6, Teflon high temperature cloth (polytetrafluoroethylene high temperature cloth) has high insulation performance, small dielectric constant.

                7, Teflon high-temperature cloth (polytetrafluoroethylene high-temperature cloth) dimensional stability is good, elongation coefficient is less than 5‰, high strength.

                8, Teflon high temperature cloth (polytetrafluoroethylene high temperature cloth) resistance to chemicals, non-toxic. Resistant to almost all pharmaceutical items.

                9, Teflon high temperature cloth (polytetrafluoroethylene high temperature cloth) also has excellent fire retardant characteristics.

                Jiangsu Taiflon Technology Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise specializing in research and development, production and sales of new polymer materials. It is now the director unit of China Plastics Association Fluorine Plastic Processing Special Committee, China Electronic Components Industry Association, and National Super High new material technology Innovation Strategic Alliance; Taizhou two integration demonstration enterprise, Jiangsu Province private science and technology enterprises, science and technology small and medium-sized enterprises, China fluorine plastics industry new growth enterprises, national high-tech enterprises. Jiangsu Teflon high temperature cloth/Teflon high temperature cloth of high quality and low price, welcome your purchase.

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